continental rdin-dc-603-000 continental rdin-ac-603-000 replacement
RDIN-DC-603000 or RDIN-AC-603000 Replacements
Marked: Continental, now obsolete Manufactured by Power-io Power-io uses a smaller width dimension, stronger internal components, a replaceable fuse, and is typically in stock. The installation wiring requirment is the same: two control signal wires and two power switching wires.
RDIN-DC-603000 IO-OAC-280 IO-OAC-280
DC input, AC switching, large width DC input, AC switching, smaller width  
RDIN-AC-603000 IO-OAC-280-280A IO-OAC-280-280A
AC input, AC switching, large width AC input, AC switching, smaller width  
continental rdin-dc-603-000 continental rdin-ac-603-000 replacement